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I really never planned ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 01/05/00 02:46 am Msg: 122 of 1075 on this being Beamer's Board. But now that the message has been told, I take a deep breath and plunge forward. There is a ton of stuff that I want to pass on. In time, I just may very well get to do that. For those of you that do not believe Evil to exist, please go forth in your innocence and rejoice. For those that have only read of Satan and believed, fear not any longer. For those that have actually faced Satan, Rejoice as well. For those that worship Satan, tough noogies. Life is a Bi**h. The load is so much lighter now. Perhaps, sleep will be much better now. For those that have read my postings (or rantings), I thank you. For
those that care to judge me, you may contact me at
For those friends and fellow journiers that believe in my story, may
God bless you with a thousand years of kindess and love. May
Posted as a reply to: Msg 121 by B_eamer B_eamer..
That my friend is hard post to follow, as were all of those before it.
The little pieces I have shared on this board pale in comparison to
As you know, true validation of one's experiences come from within,
and those are the most important. I for one, am so very glad to
Posted as a reply to: Msg 122 by B_eamer newhboy ..
Sounds like the butterflies was a beautiful experience to me! Was it
a wonderful coincidence? Good question. Trust what your heart
I wish that I were able to define Oneness in a way that would help you,
and me, to better understand how it is that we achieve it.
I'm sure there is someone who can better describe or help you to answer
your questions. I myself have only achieved oneness on a
Marietta Oh, and as a point of interest, the tingling and levetating sensation
you described are also known to be a very early stage when going
Posted as a reply to: Msg 116 by newhboy Marietta ...
What my postings have subjected everyone to that have read them is not an easy pill to swallow. Somtimes one's journey goes in a very smooth and mellow ride, until
they reach a point where your basic concepts and truths and
I think a whole lot of topsy turvey has come your way. I am not sure if you have come to the realization yet that everything
and everyone put before you is put there for a definite reason.
Think of the vastness of the Internet. There is praobably close to (
God only knows) sites and places for you to wander through in
Why wasn't this board here, say five years ago? Because it wasn't time
for us to meet yet. If you hadn't been here and posted in the
I am just so glad that is out there and I can move on from that. For
those coming up behind us and reading that, it shall affect them as
I want so much to return to the gentle side of my path. Reexamining
that particular part of my journey was not an easy thing to do.
It's not that I will not answer questions of them. I shall. I just pray
that one dosen't have to dwell on thase issues in order to move
Namaste, Marietta x
Posted as a reply to: Msg 123 by marietta_x An easier pill to swallow ...
After The defeat of my advisary, A thousand emotions ran through my
soul. My world had been tossed upside down and I was in a
You basically get to spend anywhere from fiteen to twentyfour hours
locked in a bowling allley with a couple of very different folk (I
This went on for about a week right after the battle finished. The time
frame was something like this: 5:00 am. I get to the rondevue
I returned from this week in Bowling alley heaven (not). Some two months
later, I am laying in bed, trying to get some sleep. This
In a spiral path downward I saw a head coming to me. I saw the hair,
the ears, the smiling face and then it stopped at about the neck.
I somehow manged to look up past the immediate faces in front of me.
This spiral strectched around and around all the way up. And
Posted as a reply to: Msg 125 by B_eamer Pill two ...
After abvout ten or fifteen minutes of this I asked "What is this?"
I was told that this was to be my army from this day forth. That any
I must have layed there for another twenty minutes, studying each and
every gentle smiling face as they approached me. Some
I have loved that respone. (not) Use to be for years, I would ask how
I am possibly supposed to do some of things that have been
Well, I managed to go to work that day, but I did get some odd looks
from some of the people I worked with. They never did ask
Hopefully, that was an easier pill to swallow. I realize it stretches
the boundries a bit more. I must state again though that I didn't ask
And yes, I have utilized my "Army" from time to time. Fresno is a lot
less evil place thanks to them. At least a good chunk of it. But
Posted as a reply to: Msg 126 by B_eamer Pill two ...
I was afraid of this ...
That my posts would take the winds out of your sails. At least that is the feeling I'm perceiving. Please don't let that be the case. Please contribute. I do so want to hear of your experiences. They have
been so widly varied. I have some grand experiences, but in
And what of those crystaline beings? Pretty remarkable stuff there. I was reluctant to share on a number of fronts, this was one of them. I don't want to ruin what once was here. C'mon guys. Namaste.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 127 by B_eamer B_eamer ...
The sails are up, and there is a mild breeze across the waters. The
view is spectacular and I am just sitting back for a moment, taking
Nothing has been ruined, only changed. Perhaps the discussion went a
little further than anyone expected and finding a response to all
We're all still here, or at least I know I am..
Love and Light
Posted as a reply to: Msg 128 by B_eamer Going OBE??
Sorry, I don't know the term "going OBE." Could you please -or someone else- explain what it means??? As for the butterflies episode, yes... It was a beautiful experience,
mostly because it was totally unexpected. But I've got used to this
Posted as a reply to: Msg 124 by marietta_x OBE stands for ...
Out of Body Experience.. I'm not saything that is what was happening to you, only that what you
described is also described by many who have achieved the
Posted as a reply to: Msg 130 by newhboy Thanks Marietta..
You're a constant source of information and positive feedback. May God bless you for that. Out of body experience, I should've thought of that!! Is just that I'm
an individual that has had no time to read too much about these
The wide range of experiences I've had over the years goes from deep
relaxation to astral projection, premonition, telepathy, and
Thank you for your generosity...
Posted as a reply to: Msg 131 by marietta_x
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