Whatdaya think?
Hi Sass...
Peace and Light,
Greetings All :-)
Personally, I love it when something provokes my thinking to swirl like an invisibly effervescent Cosmos. And, I believe that our own amassed Knowledge of Good and Evil contains the ever present Keys to the Kingdom of Perpetual Plenitude. And, that these Keys are (as they always have been) hidden in plain view, right before our wondering eyes. I also believe that we (being ''all of humanity as a whole'') are beginning to experience a quality and measure of Loving Truth that will, quite literally, permit us to playfully abide in an eternal flow of rewarding creativity and, by this empowerment, our collective human consciousness will (learn to) grow and (choose to) mature in accord with cherishing and celebrating every facet of our complex material duality as a sacred spiritual gift. Yes, windsong (and all of you inspiring posters), you've gotten me ''all fired up.'' I'm ready to ''un-circle the wagons'' and head out to explore the Promised Land. Taking all of this into account, there is but one thing I know as fact: Whenever a journey is planned with the intention to explore a particular territory, the easiest way to do this is to use a map. And, I believe that the Scriptures of the world offer such a map. However, I also believe that no matter how perfect the map may be, we've got to know where we are on the map in order to make purposeful headway. So, as I watched ABC TV all day long on December 31, 1999, and saw the magnificent plethora of diversity explode in a global cycle of happiness, joy, and praise... I thought to myself how precious, awe-inspiring, and powerful we all are. How each culture adds such aromatic uniqueness to our compounded human flavor. And, how this extraordinary event had come into being by and through the independently-cooperative work of (millions) of individual hearts, minds, and hands. Being a logically driven spiritual altruist, I wanted to pinpoint our collective location on the ''map of spiritual evolution'' so that our journey, from that moment forward, would continue to progress smoothly, gently, and peacefully into a new era of mirth, well-being, justice, and respect for everyone, everywhere. That's when I started thinking (again) about Genesis. And now, with
this bit of pontification out of my system, I'd love to hear scores of
(And PS to Star... Yes, you make perfect sense to me!) :-)
Sad to say ...
Such as in Cuba, where the average Cuban makes 30 dollars a month. The one club they showed, the average Cuban was not allowed in even if they could afford the price of admission. The world as a whole has a long way to go to achieve unity and love for one another. Bigotry still abounds here in Good ol' U.S.A. Sorry to put a damper on such a fine board, but reality is a B**ch. Namaste.
Bigotry vs Unity
But I think there is a point --- a line in the sand somewhere --- which divides ''true'' (atrocity) from ''false'' (inequity). And now I'm really reaching to express something I intuitively appreciate in a form that may be intellectually understood, so please bear with me. Let's take the situation you identify at the Copacabana Club in Cuba. To our ''enlightened'' (Capitalistic Democratic) eyes, it seems that the Cuban people are being deprived of many ''freedoms'' that we (in the ''developed'' countries) dearly value. But, what if this supposed ''deprivation'' is a consequence of free-will choices made by the Cuban people? What if the Cuban people believe that the ''benefits'' they gain as indivudals by participating in a ''communal collective'' (wherein the ''good of the many'' takes precedent over individual free-will) outweigh the ''benefits'' of choosing to adopt systems of social management more akin to our own. If this were the case, would we be less inclined to judge these (foreign) circumstances and behaviors as inequitable atrocities? Consider that in the big picture, what we see as the ''deprived'' lifestyle of the Cuban people is far less a threat to the long-term health of the planet than the ''consumerism'' lifestyle many of us have chosen to pursue. And, in some ways, the Cuban society is far more humanitarian than is society in the USA. What I'm sad to say is that in the day-to-day world that surrounds my family, every man's and every woman's ''value'' is tabulated in dollars. This makes me feel like I was born into a huge game of Monoploy and that I am in bondage to playing by a set of rules that are in direct opposition to the motivation of my soul. If I ''win'' at this game, I am entitled to live in a decent home, eat quality food, have access to dependable transportation, and get good health care --- because I can ''pay'' for these things. However, because of the way the ''game'' is set-up, it matters not if I am a scoundrel or an altrusit. I get no points for being loving and kind. And the real clinker is, if I am well informed about the way this (human created) economic system works, I will soon realize that in order for me to win somebody else has to lose. (And this could start a whole new conversation about the ins and outs of global economic systems, but that is not my point.) So, in my efforts to be a ''good'' person, how can I conscience winning at a game like this? What I'm saying, as best as I can put it in a nutshell, is that ''we'' are often so quick to judge what is right or wrong or good or bad for another person, society, culture, or group. We seem so ready to mount our righteous steeds and proclaim the atrocities being done to others in distant places while at the same instant we may have a person living next door that we don't get along, possibly hate, and could have a legitimate (intellectual, spiritual, or material) need that we are doing nothing about. So, while I'm agreeing with you, I'm also doing my best to cleanse myself of the inculcated ideologies that separate me from the ''oneness'' that we all are. I want to learn everything I can from all of my brothers and sisters and I want to live in a world where we all freely share whatever it takes for each one of us to enjoy the comforts of material security, the blessings of physical, intellectual, and emotional health, and the freedom to live our individual lives in whatever manner we personally believe works for the benefit of the whole. Happy New Year :-)
The Garden of Eden
Dearest Beamer, Sucarha, and y'all...
As Windsong hinted a few posts back, I have a particular purpose in mind that I hope you of this forum will empower me to achieve. I would like to share ideas and concepts about ''what'' exactly (I believe) it was that God created when God created ''man,'' and of course I desire to learn and grow in the process. At the moment and to the best of my ever growing ability, the intuitive ideas I have about this fit into words this way: >>>That what God actually conceived and birthed was an ''intellectual/emotional'' energy we call ''consciousness.'' That God purposefully divided consciousness into a ''duality'' of ''awareness'' and ''ignorance.'' That ignorance, in and of itself, is NOT an ''evil'' thing, but simply the innocent opposite of enlightenment and a (spiritual/material) state of being wherein ''free-will choice'' does not exist. For example, a ''rock'' has only sufficient ''consciousness'' to be a ''rock.'' A ''rock'' is ignorant about how to be anything else, and thus is ''innocent'' of the creative responsibilities that are attached to the exercise of free-will. However, when a (free-will) Thinker imbues creative awareness to a rock, that rock may become the cornerstone of a beautiful home. <<< Now, what I really hope will happen next is that you will take-in these words, roll the ideas they express over and over in your mind, turn their assertions upside down and inside out, discover what (if anything) resonates harmoniously with the ''truth'' as you see it, and share with me whatever comes up for you!!! However, if'n you choose to not do this, it's perfectly okay. XXXOOO :-) Hi Sass
In God's love,
Sassafraswilds ...
P.S. Personally, I think no, no, and no. Rock is void of a consciousness,
a duality or much of anything else, IMHO. Sorry teach, but I
think a better "thing" could be used as an example. I do like the bit
about the rock being imbued with a freethinkers will. That would
Truth as I see it
When you address the subject of selfishness and injustice and all the wrongs that you see when you look around this world of man you see possible consequences of free choice. It doesn't have to be this way and with other choices it would be different, but unless we are able to see how these choices play out, how are we to decide we want something else? We have eternity to come back to the choice of Love for it's own sake and not because we are afraid to choose anything else. This is not a finished product. I am by no means through in my quest
for Truth and self-realization and my Truth will not be someone elses,
Remarkably intrigued....
For example, Safford, I'm not sure I understand what you wrote and this amazes me. You see, I've read some of your posts on other boards, understood them perfectly, and always felt a kind of kinship with you. One that comes to mind in this light is your post #5 on the ''Demonstrating peace'' topic. Especially the parts about Jesus speaking in meekness and being instantly met with derision, true freedom beginning in detachment to needs, and prayer having polarity and a reciprocal effect. Heady stuff. Just carries me away!!! But in your post to this board, I'm really befuddled. Could you, please,
give me some clarity here? That is, I'm in accord with you about
And Beamer, about my using a ''rock'' in my example... I do believe that rocks (and twigs and air and water and birds and bees and humans) all have a measure of ''consciousness.'' But, I am probably using a different definition for that word (consciousness) than is common. By the dictionary, in its simplest terms, consciousness means only ''having a sense of one's own identity.'' And, by this basic definition, I do believe that a rock has a sense that it is a rock. But I believe this because I think of ''consciousness'' more in terms of an ''energetic glue'' that binds molecular structures together in specific material shapes, whereas many people tend to identify consciousness much more exclusively with the human thought process. And I do think the human thought process is unique to humans. In other words, I do not believe that rocks ''think'' or that they are ''aware'' of anything except how to be whatever kind of rock they are. Now, does this mean they have a soul? I don't know if I know the answer to that question because I am not certain just exactly what a soul is. By the dictionary again, the soul is identified as ''the animating principal, the central and vital part, the perfect embodiment of intangible (emotional/intellectual) qualities, and the core of moral nature'' of a human being -and- of organizations, groups, and other things such as music. By this definition, I think that a rock does have a soul... at least in sufficient capacity to be a morally upright rock. Now the idea of a rock being moral or immoral causes me to giggle a bit. But you see, from my perspective, the rock cannot be anything but moral --- obedient to the laws of God-as-nature (like gravity) --- because the rock, not having free-will, has no choice. Yet still I see the rock as one of God's creations. And at the same time, even given the guidance of the dictionary, I don't know just exactly what a soul is so I really am not sure if a rock has one. But then, by dictionary definition, I'm not sure that people have souls... Or, having once had them, have lost them. And this relates to the comment made by Hereonapass about ''selfishness
and injustice and all the wrongs that you see when you look
around this world of man (being) consequences of free choice'' and
it not having to be this way. Given the choice, which all ''souls'' have
I don't know. But I'd like to learn. And I sincerely believe if we can
discover some pure nuggets of truth about what, exactly, God created
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