Posted as a reply to: Msg 33 by metamorphery
Re: Widening the circle-DGS
by: dewarsgirl2001
10/12/01 06:58 am
Msg: 35 of 61
>you can only change yourself
i can only change myself
if enough people begin to do this
swarms of people will do this
What do you think the world would be like if we all knew that WE are
responsible for our own actions and happiness? To choose to
LOVE and to choose to leave FEAR behind. We create our own misery and's us, nobody else.
Once realizing this, why do we choose misery? We can choose/create LOVE.
If we changed to the point of not only realizing this,
but acting on it, what do you think the world would be like?
We are so far from this, I don't even want to imagine...big goal.
Small steps. Starts with the individual..small steps lead to bigger goals being met.
Small steps do not necessarily mean easy steps.
But, what if everyone took one small step?
Just one?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 34 by deep_green_smoke
Re: Metamorphery
by: sucarha (F/Florida)
10/12/01 11:58 am
Msg: 37 of 61
:):) Sorry, missed this one too. Wandering around in too many circles.. ;)
Cannot recapture the thought I was having about "ostriches". :) Like
what you said about the "circle" shifting tho. And, yes, what you
call adjustment, I call balance..basis of everything....balance.
Have a great day.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 33 by metamorphery
Re: Metamorphery, that's OK
by: metamorphery
10/12/01 12:06 pm
Msg: 38 of 61
Su, apologies not needed. I don't get to reply to everything I want
to,either; half the time if I don't respond right away, can't even find
the message again! Sometimes I think those who know me, know what I
think anyway...
Balance, yes, I agree. A funny, true story: once I went to physical
therapy for a back problem. After doing a series of diagnostics, she
said I was "out of balance". Sheesh, she didn't know the half of it!
My life was out of balance, being reflected, I believe, in my body
too. The exercises I do now keep my back strong, and give me time to
be "in balance" while I do them. When I do them at the health
club as warm up, my friends still giggle, cuz sometimes I look like
a drunken sailor if I haven't done them in a while. But do they try
them? no, they're not easy. Balance looks easy; it takes work to get
there...and can be so fleeting.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 37 by sucarha
Re: Metamorphery
by: deep_green_smoke (42/M/CA)
10/12/01 12:17 pm
Msg: 39 of 61
there is never really balance...
but there is soemthing called equalibrium which attemps to restore
the universe is always changing
so are people
balance is not possible because there are always shifts, although they
may be minute and give us the illusion that we are balanced
now if we were truly balanced, then the very next thought that enters
your head would not cause you to react and create new
just a different way of looking at this.
now when we have a gross inbalance, we take notice
when the balance is off by just a smigin or two, we don't take notice
same thing with global warming
or the sept 11'th event
gross events wake us up to the inbalances much much faster than slow
motion inbalances such as global warming until a crisis
situation occurs.
now some people are more sensitive than others... so what appears to
be an inbalance for one person would seem to be a fine and
dandy balance for another.
tis the nature of humans...
they come in all sizes, shapes, charm, flavors, and colors.... much
like quarks.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 37 by sucarha
Re: Metamorphery
by: metamorphery
10/12/01 12:59 pm
Msg: 40 of 61
nice elaboration, friend. as a believer in a dialectical approach to
the world (ok, yin/yang works too), I think we are always trying to
balance competing forces. So thanks for your clarification, hinting
at the scientific basis for balance. nice.
Kinda like skiing (or choose a favorite pasttime which can give you
a high): when you're cruisin' and it feels great, there's few feelings
like it; one little smidgin of an edge gets in the way, and...if you
don't have the skill and experience to re-center....face-plant! Guess
that works in the emotional, spiritual, etc worlds as well.
OK, back to work...well, haven't done much work today yet. ;)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 39 by deep_green_smoke
snow angels
by: deep_green_smoke (42/M/CA)
10/12/01 01:15 pm
Msg: 41 of 61
yeah, you know the phrase as well as I do...
first the pole plant
then the face plant
(how many people make "snow angels" after they've fallen like that?)
(((((((( roflmslao ))))))))
Posted as a reply to: Msg 40 by metamorphery
Re: snow angels
by: metamorphery
10/12/01 02:09 pm
Msg: 42 of 61
laughing at the thought
of the time I fell near some evergreen trees
into deep, old snow
face and hands first
just so
that the skis didn't come off and I could hardly move
once I realized I was ok
laughing so hard
friends had to come pull me out
I think somewhere there's a pic of my tush in the air
Posted as a reply to: Msg 41 by deep_green_smoke
Re: Metamorphery, that's OK
by: sucarha (F/Florida)
10/12/01 02:41 pm
Msg: 44 of 61
<<<Balance looks easy; it takes work to get there...and can be so fleeting.>>>
Profundity, my friend, profundity! :):) Never ending struggle..but, oh so invigorating. :)
Keep on keepin' on...
Posted as a reply to: Msg 38 by metamorphery
Dave / Beck ...
by: Beam_er (105/M/California, U.S.A.)
10/18/01 08:00 pm
Msg: 45 of 61
I know first hand all the hard work he put into those absolutely amazing
posts. I sorely miss being able to reread some of that crazy
stuff. Truly, yahell do not play fair.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 20 by sucarha
by: wanderingspryte (35/F/Northern Virginia)
10/19/01 12:29 am
Msg: 46 of 61
lol...seems like ages...
What a wonderful gift to see such messages....
Drunkchic!!!! :) Glad you found my friends...
...glad I found them too....Su,
deep emerald cacinogen..(lol)
Dewars...I have felt a very similar thing...the more I discovered, the
more I was absolutely baffled why people wouldn't choose
differently. You know how many books there are, speakers, Oprah! for
the love of God...Oprah....say this in various fashion?
Choose your life...I would add God to that...but, you really don't
have to...the only reason that seems to fit all of the rationales to stay
rooted in fear. Sad.
Interesting about balance...if you stay relatively focused on the present,
it all feels balanced. If you look on a macro even
appears balanced...time equalizes .... as I get older, the past seems
to have a more peaceful balanced-hue surrounding it.
Beamer and I had a discussion about my sense of impending something...and
so the easy way was to just take the most
obvious...moving to a new place. Yet, there has been a monumentally
simplistic shift for me. As this is a new theory...the words
haven't escaped from thoughts yet. Certainly reading A Course in Miracles
has fueled this thing.
It's nice to be back though....
Re: Dave / Beck ...
by: sucarha (F/Florida)
10/19/01 04:22 am
Msg: 47 of 61
I look forward to the day "they" stop in for a visit.. :) The delight provided would go on any one of these boards..:)
Blessings to you, as well, Beam...
Posted as a reply to: Msg 45 by Beam_er
Re: Present!---Yippee!!!!
by: dewarsgirl2001
10/19/01 06:44 am
Msg: 48 of 61
Hey there!
I was beginning to wonder if you would ever wander around here again...glad to see glad! :)
I am beginning to really learn a lot about fear....a few things are
starting to make sense now. Ummmmm...a few...LOL. I am enjoying
the process of discovery, but need to learn a little patience...'cause
with each tiny tidbit of realization I acquire, I am so anxious for
There are so many kind souls over here...I am a better person for experiencing them.
Wanna talk more, but gotta get the lil treasures up and ready for school...
Hope your lil treasure is well...
BTW, did you get my pics? Hope they went through okay.
Love ya..
Drunkchic :)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 46 by wanderingspryte
by: wanderingspryte (35/F/Northern Virginia)
10/19/01 10:12 am
Msg: 49 of 61
My little treasure was more like a chunk of coal this
Yes, I got the pictures! Not sure who is cuter.. your beautiful children,
your precious self, or the dogs...:)'m sure not the one to give aid on that
I'm frankly beating the thought that...I have all I need right now
into my brain. It has become my sole mantra du jour. If I can stay alleviates the incessant need for more, now, faster, ...(oops
that sounds like another topic all together...;)
It's also been a help to me to realize that the impatience of Divine more about me projecting my will upon things and events,
rather than allowing the 'right' things to manifest on my behalf.
This is the path I'm trying to walk now....
love ya back...
Posted as a reply to: Msg 48 by dewarsgirl2001
"More, Now, Faster.." - WS
by: dewarsgirl2001
10/19/01 11:03 pm
Msg: 50 of 61
LOL! I bet you had a feeling that would be the first thing I would pick up on, huh? :)
>"...I have all I need right now..."
Glad you said this...Maybe if I keep this in mind, not only will it
help my impatience, but it will give my mind/heart time to absorb what
I have crammed in there in a short period of time...
Don't know how long it will last, though...the questions seem to keep comin' at record speed...
LOL..."...a chunk of coal.." I can relate to that, as mornings in our
house are less than peaceful. Joey is the first one up (of the kids)
and he is talking as soon as he opens his eyes...(which makes a mom
runnin' on half a cup of coffee a lil weary), Ben can't understand
why he can't wear shorts to school and the fact that it is 43 degrees
when he walks out the door does not seem to matter much to
him, and Rebecca is just a plain ole "B"...I wish I could pump her
full of for me!
Treasures??????? Yeah, I call em treasures BEFORE they wake up.
Love my lil treasures, tho...:)
Night, Night.
Suc ...
by: Beam_er (105/M/California, U.S.A.)
10/20/01 02:55 am
Msg: 51 of 61
I am hoping that you are travelling through these troubled times free
of worry and doubt. May the blessings be returned to you a
hundred fold.
Namaste dear and wise one.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 47 by sucarha
Drunkchic & WS
by: tatlaya
10/20/01 09:06 pm
Msg: 52 of 61
Treasures, oh my Yes!! anyway....if you get the chance to read, Eckhart Tolle's, "The Power of Now" --- a nice spin on much of this.
Re: Drunkchic & WS
by: dewarsgirl2001
10/21/01 01:53 pm
Msg: 53 of 61
Thanks for the recommendation, tatlaya...
Drunkchic :)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 52 by tatlaya
by: wanderingspryte (35/F/Northern Virginia)
10/21/01 09:16 pm
Msg: 54 of 61
thank has been added to the list...sure wish the list would get shorter rather than
although...I suppose I could read faster....(whew)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 52 by tatlaya
Re: tat/I second that..
by: marietta_x (30/F)
10/22/01 10:03 am
Msg: 55 of 61
It's a good one, tho I haven't quite finished reading it yet myself ;-) Maybe I need to read faster too.. lol
Ty Tat *smiles*
Posted as a reply to: Msg 54 by wanderingspryte
Re: Suc ...
by: sucarha (F/Florida)
10/23/01 10:38 am
Msg: 56 of 61
<<<I am hoping that you are travelling through these troubled times free of worry and doubt.>>>
Thanks, Beam...I am doing ok. Have learned that worry and doubt can
be a teacher, tho. :) If we would look to doubt as "curiosity"
for continued growth, rather than beating self up for it, it can actually
be the impetus from stagnation. :)
Love, Su
Posted as a reply to: Msg 51 by Beam_er
Tatlaya and Marietta
by: sucarha (F/Florida)
10/23/01 10:41 am
Msg: 57 of 61
There are times, just seeing a "name" brings a huge smile to my face, and warmth in my heart. :)
Re: Suc ...
by: Beam_er (105/M/California, U.S.A.)
10/23/01 03:20 pm
Msg: 58 of 61
I am so proud to see how far you have come. Regardless of what you claim, your truly remarkable. I am so blessed to know you.
Namaste Dear one.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 56 by sucarha
Re: Present!
by: Beam_er (105/M/California, U.S.A.)
11/01/01 12:07 pm
Msg: 59 of 61
Somtimes the obvious can be right before our nose, waiting almost like
a huge meatal skillet, begging our attention before smashing
into our consciousness.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 46 by wanderingspryte
Re: Present!
by: Beam_er (105/M/California, U.S.A.)
11/01/01 12:09 pm
Msg: 60 of 61
There I was so worried about getting consciousness spelled right I completely
oveerlooked the obvious sometimes. I think Zao's
keyboard is haunting me.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 59 by Beam_er
A chevette ????
by: Beam_er (105/M/California, U.S.A.)
11/01/01 12:19 pm
Msg: 61 of 61
You couldn't have thought up some thing wih a little class, like a Porsche,
a Maserrati or a Ferrari. But hey, if Chevette is your style,
so be it. I had such high hopes for you.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 5 by marietta_x