Marietta ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/7/00 1:31 am
Msg: 125 of 161
What my postings have subjected everyone to that have read them is
not an easy pill to swallow. Somtimes one's journey goes in a very smooth
and mellow ride, until they reach a point where your basic concepts and
truths and prior knowledege are put to the test or turned topsy turvey.
At least, that is how it has been on my journey. I think a whole lot of
topsy turvey has come your way. I am not sure if you have come to the realization
yet that everything and everyone put before you is put there for a definite
reason. There is a reason I posted what I posted and there is a reason
why you were fortunate or unfortunate (the Ying and Yang) enough to have
stumbled on to it. Think of the vastness of the Internet. There is praobably
close to ( God only knows) sites and places for you to wander through in
your journey. We each, in our own seperate ways, have found this particular
spot. I am so thankful for this board, words cannot describe. I am also
very thankful that the powers that be have allowed for the postings to
continue. Why wasn't this board here, say five years ago? Because it wasn't
time for us to meet yet. If you hadn't been here and posted in the brave
manor you did, I never would have had the courage to have posted what I
did. It is all related and tied in together. Pretty amazing, huh? I am
just so glad that is out there and I can move on from that. For those coming
up behind us and reading that, it shall affect them as well. There will
be those that will not be able to accept what I have wrote. It is not time
for them, yet. In time, hopefully, they can return and read the postings
again and begin to understand. You, have some understanding of what I endurded.
I thank you for your understanding. I prayed for your understanding. I
want so much to return to the gentle side of my path. Reexamining that
particular part of my journey was not an easy thing to do. Apparently it
was necessary. I have learned from it. I Pray that you can digest the postings,
learn what you can from them and move on as well. It's not that I will
not answer questions of them. I shall. I just pray that one dosen't have
to dwell on thase issues in order to move forward in their journey. Again,
thank you so very much for the understanding. It means a lot to me.
Namaste, Marietta x
Posted as a reply to: Msg 123 by marietta_x
An easier pill to swallow ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/7/00 2:01 am
Msg: 126 of 161
After The defeat of my advisary, A thousand emotions ran through my
soul. My world had been tossed upside down and I was in a particular spot
at the time where I didn't have much time to reflect. I had acccepted a
job Recovering bowling alley lanes. Now there is fun galore. You basically
get to spend anywhere from fiteen to twentyfour hours locked in a bowling
allley with a couple of very different folk (I am trying not to judge).
You then get to spread vast quantities of a very strong chemical solution
that fills the available air with toxic fumes and get to work for another
five or six hours. It was a real Hoot. This went on for about a week right
after the battle finished. The time frame was something like this: 5:00
am. I get to the rondevue point for my new great job, which happens to
be where Satan is situated. 5:05 am. Satan starts messing with me. 5:35
am. Satan is captured and Ishtar finally returns to be able to communicate
with me, thank God. 5:40 am. I knock on the door of the house and venture
in, hoping and praying that the battle is really over. 6:00 am. I am heading
on a seven hour ride North. I returned from this week in Bowling alley
heaven (not). Some two months later, I am laying in bed, trying to get
some sleep. This next part is kinda hard to describe. I layed there with
my wife sound asleep next to me, looking towards the ceiling. This piont
of light, spiritually speaking, comes to me from above. This light didn't
light the room. I don't think it even lit me, litterally. Yet I could see
it. This light went through the ceiling, through the roof and ventured
forth to the heavens. It seemed to broaden some what as it went higher.
I was able to discern this, all from the vantage point of my bed. I was
laying there trying to understand and contemplate that, when a most remakable
thing happened. In a spiral path downward I saw a head coming to me. I
saw the hair, the ears, the smiling face and then it stopped at about the
neck. It was a glowing entity that was translucent. I could see the ceilng
and the walls through it. It passed by me and another one came. Again the
hair, the head, the gentle smiling face. I could make out great details
of these faces. I could see the lines in their faces, the gentle curve
of thier smile. One after another started appearing, each going past me
and disappearing. I somehow manged to look up past the immediate faces
in front of me. This spiral strectched around and around all the way up.
And every few feet was another face coming towards me.
After about ten or fifteen minutes of this I asked "What is this?"
I was told that this was to be my army from this day forth. That any time
I was needing their assistance, they would be there for my backing. I was
to lead them to battle any further evil that should come my way. I must
have layed there for another twenty minutes, studying each and every gentle
smiling face as they approached me. Some knodded, some winked at me. It
was trully an amazing event in my life. I went to sleep with them still
coming downward. I awoke the next morning wondering how I was possibly
going to go to work (now at a Hospital) and remain calm and not display
the enourmus joy and happiness I was feeling. I was again told that I can
handle it. I have loved that respone. (not) Use to be for years, I would
ask how I am possibly supposed to do some of things that have been asked
of me in my journey. The response has always been "Cause I can handle it."
That's it. No elaboration, no great plan. Just handle it. Well, I managed
to go to work that day, but I did get some odd looks from some of the people
I worked with. They never did ask though. I just might have told them.
Now that would have been a hoot. Hopefully, that was an easier pill to
swallow. I realize it stretches the boundries a bit more. I must state
again though that I didn't ask for any of this. That and if you think it
is a trip reading this, you should try and experiencing this first hand
some time. Make for quite a posting on a spiritual board some day. And
yes, I have utilized my "Army" from time to time. Fresno is a lot less
evil place thanks to them. At least a good chunk of it. But that's another
I was afraid of this ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/8/00 10:23 pm
Msg: 128 of 161
That my posts would take the winds out of your sails. At least that
is the feeling I'm perceiving. I don't want to ruin what once was here.
C'mon guys.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 127 by B_eamer
B_eamer ...
by: marietta_x (28/F) 1/9/00 1:41 pm
Msg: 129 of 161
The sails are up, and there is a mild breeze across the waters. The
view is spectacular and I am just sitting back for a moment, taking breather
while I let the moment stretch. Nothing has been ruined, only changed.
Perhaps the discussion went a little further than anyone expected and finding
a response to all that is here is not easy. Accept the temporary silence
of the moment as a compliment to the thoughts you have stirred in others.
The awareness you have awakened. We're all still here, or at least I know
I am..
Love and Light Marietta
Posted as a reply to: Msg 128 by B_eamer
Going OBE??
by: newhboy 1/11/00 11:36 am
Msg: 130 of 161
Sorry, I don't know the term "going OBE." Could you please -or someone
else- explain what it means??? As for the butterflies episode, yes... It
was a beautiful experience, mostly because it was totally unexpected. But
I've got used to this type of "coincidences." Throughout my life they have
become an almost daily affair.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 124 by marietta_x View
OBE stands for ...
by: marietta_x (28/F) 1/11/00 1:14 pm
Msg: 131 of 161
Out of Body Experience.. I'm not saything that is what was happening
to you, only that what you described is also described by many who have
achieved the OBE state.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 130 by newhboy
Thanks Marietta..
by: newhboy 1/11/00 2:01 pm
Msg: 132 of 161
You're a constant source of information and positive feedback. May
God bless you for that. Out of body experience, I should've thought of
that!! Is just that I'm an individual that has had no time to read too
much about these experiences and has only been recently that I've faced
the fact that they're not going away and I might as well learn how to deal
with them, so I've gone back to meditation and that is helping considerably.
The wide range of experiences I've had over the years goes from deep relaxation
to astral projection, premonition, telepathy, and OBE. Unfortunatelly,
since I've never felt the need for clasification or rationalization of
these events, I've failed to document and inform about these experiences
and what they are. The internet has been a wonderful source of information.
In this board I've read so many of the events I've experienced myself and
people like you -who are well informed about it- are doing and excellent
job at sharing with us your knowledge and greatness of spirit. Thank you
for your generosity...
Posted as a reply to: Msg 131 by marietta_x
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/12/00 2:04 am
Msg: 133 of 161
I have discovered the simple act of sharing has been a wonderful release,
a lightening of the load. I have then had, finally, time to reflect on
what I have experienced and have learned a great deal from this mere reflection
process. Kind of like redigesting this food for better thought. You have
experienced things that I have only to hear about. I can pretty well assure
you that the waters here seem to be shark free. I have yet to get one single
negative vibe from my sharing here. I truly believe this to be a very special
place. Sharing what I have has been on my mind for years. I always wondered
when and if I would EVER find the forum for such an unusual collection
that I have brought forth. The burden I have unloaded was a whole lot heavier
than I anticipated. The freedom It has given me is hard to put into words.
I'm pretty sure Marietta would agree. I also firmly believe that to advance
forward, I was in need of sharing some of my burden.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 132 by newhboy
by: newhboy 1/12/00 12:33 pm
Msg: 134 of 161
You are so right about how sharing our experiences helps getting things
in pespective and the relief it brings to our lives. I've been reading
your messages voraciously and the intensity of your experiences has given
me a different perspective and made me humble and thankful because I have
never had to see/feel/fight evil a such a close range. You're a warrior
and my heart and prayers are with you. Thank you for the positive initiative
you've taken and for keeping our energy focused and our paths clear.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 133 by B_eamer
I used to hope that
by: marietta_x (28/F) 1/12/00 9:01 pm
Msg: 135 of 161
my experiences would fade with time. My father who experienced many
similar things in his youth assured me I would 'grow out of it' as I reached
adulthood. Well, here I am at 28, and the experiences have only intensified.
I stopped being nervous of them a long time ago, and in fact have come
to enjoy them, and welcome them. I've never documented or set about informing
myself to thier nature either. What I have learned, and read by pure coincidence
validated much of what I already felt I Knew. I'm familiar with all that
you mentioned, but would like to hear more about your OBE experiences and
that of astral projection, if you care to share. If not, believe me I understand
but as Beamer mentioned these waters appear to be shark free. So far so
good anyway!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 132 by newhboy
These waters ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/13/00 4:53 am
Msg: 136 of 161
have such tremendous positive energy feeding them, that negative energy
probably dosen't stand a chance. Wouldn't it be nice if this board entertained
much more than Human entities? That spirits are watching and guiding us
towards a harmonius exchange of thoughts and ideas would be a wonderful
idea, don't you think?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 135 by marietta_x
Newhboy ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/13/00 5:19 am
Msg: 137 of 161
thank you. Honest to God, you have only seen the tip of the iceburg.
My journey has been a very fruitful and exciting one, which up till lately
was hoping that many others lived to the same degree. I am positive that
many others could put my experiences up to theirs and amaze, enlighten,
and educate as well. Time will slowly dissolve the distance between the
knowing and the posting. I have stated before, that those that know don't
say, those that ask don't know. Many individuals that I have come across
in my "real" world have had this opinon. I think to be just that. An opinon.
Nothing more. I haven't lost my dog or my tounge or my right arm for telling.
What I have done is brought enlightenment. Granted, for those reading my
postings, those are some huge horse pills to have to swallow. I would apoligize
for that if I could, but can't. For those that come to my postings and
can't comprehend the very nature of them, or of any of the other postings
put forth here on this board, it just is not time for you yet. Many Ideas
put forth here are well advanced in a spiritual nature, some extremely
heady stuff indeed. I have put forth a topic for asking questions. Ask.
If you don't know what to ask, ask any way. That will be the only way you
will advance. Reading these postings and not understanding and trying to
move on will not work. Each journey is built on a series of steps, or as
some have put it, going through a series of doors. These postings are steps
and doorways that have been opened for those that need them opened. If
you are not ready for that door to be opened or that step to be climbed,
going forth from that point on will only lead to misunderstanding later
and disharmony. We are here to learn, to be enlightened, and for many of
us, to teach. Newhboy, this posting isn't directed at you. It just seemed
an appropriate time to state these facts.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 134 by newhboy
OBE experiences
by: newhboy 1/13/00 2:17 pm
Msg: 138 of 161
In my case, my OBE experiences DID fade away. It was probably me who
block them out because I wasn't ready or didn't know how to deal with them.
Most of those experiences where travelling to the future. During my meditations,
I would suddenly be in the middle of a situation or event that would actually
happen 2 or 3 days later. They were always related to me and mostly pleasant
events. Some of the ones I remember are: The unexpected visit of a cousin,
the unexpected arrival of a long lost friend (who used to be my nanny)
and that sort of things. Astral projection... That's always been something
different... I could see myself rising from my body, but I wouldn't see
my actual body. I always "gravitated" to a friend's place or wandered around
the city -this I can still do without major fuzz. I usually considered
these "dreams" since they would happen spontaneusly during my sleep and
I probably never would acknowledge them 'til one of my cousins who was
spending summer vacations with us told my mom: "auntie, cousin NEWH is
going out at night when everybody is sleeping." It blew me away and asked
him what he saw. He said "is funny, I can see you walking out, but you're
still there." Nowadays, those "dreams" persist. There are some recurrent
ones where I've been to a far away place where a foreign language is spoken,
but I can understand it. It always seems to be somewhere around Eastern-Central
Europe -Bulgary or Yugoslav- which is rather odd. It is not of a premonitory
nature, is mostly contemplative, almost like if I were a tourist walking
along the street. They're so vivid that I can give you detailed description
of buildings, people, places. I don't know if these "dreams" are in the
future or the past, but I know they're not near the current time. In the
last 4 or 5 years I've been meditating for stress management purposes,
but nothing further than that. Right now my intuition is so sharp that
I can "feel" events that affect people closely related to me. Usually pleasant
events, but sometimes, those that mean a threat to them as well. That intuition
is my "radar" and has been guiding me for a while. For the longest time
I've been avoiding meditating to the point where these events become spontaneous,
but I know I'll have to!! that way I'll be able to re-connect them and
make sense out of them. I get the "feeling" that they contain a message
or represent "my mission." Probably because in the last couple of years,
it has "rooted" deep inside me the strong desire for universal peace. There
is a thought that keeps "popping-up" during my meditations... "this millenium,
no-one should go hungry, no-one should be cold, no-one should live in ignorance.
Heal the world!!" I have no idea were or who it comes from or how we'll
achieve it, but there's gotta' be a way. If I ever find it, I'll let you
know -just kidding!! Anyway, this is what's gone on and on with me for
many years.... What about you??
In Peace In Light In Love
Posted as a reply to: Msg 135 by marietta_x
Sounds amazing ...
by: marietta_x (28/F) 1/13/00 3:30 pm
Msg: 139 of 161
I haven't had such wonderful experiences. I think my 'gift' is more
of an intuitive one. I have had many moments of premonition that sound
more like your OBE's when traveling to the future. The future I experience
is immediate, within minutes or hours. The frustrating part is that I am
not in control, even though it's my future I see, experience. I have tried
so many times to alter it, somehow in the smallest way gain control, but
I guess that it's not mine to have. Something like a deja vu happens to
me, and until recently I thought it was the same for everyone. It's hard
to explain exactly how it happens. I must admit I know very little about
astral projection, which is why I'm so interested in learning more about
your experience with it. From what you wrote I see such a strong connection
to OBE, I'd love to hear more. I have read, and know those who achieve
OBE on demand who's experiences are exactly as you wrote about astral projection.
It is widely beleived as well that many 'dreams' are actualy OBE's. While
lucid dreaming, using a focused command one is supposed to be able to achieve
it. I think it will take a lot of focus, and experimenting, but I am currently
working towards that goal. How fantastic that your cousin was able to see
both your physical self, and the essense of you, it makes me smile.. I'm
told that I am one who is 'naturaly awake' spiritualy. It's only been in
the past five or six years that I have taken the time to focus on my path.
Since then I have had several wonderful experiences, two are mentioned
earlier in this thread. Like you, I *feel* there is a message connecting
those and other moments together, the good and the bad. Universal peace,
sounds like a dream doesn't it? I feel that we will find it one day, although
I don't feel it will be in my lifetime. Possibly the next.. I strongly
believe that humanity is awakening to it's potential for peace, but it
will take time to find it, and God knows how long to repair the damage
done in it's name. To a brighter future..
Posted as a reply to: Msg 138 by newhboy
by: newhboy 1/14/00 2:05 pm
Msg: 140 of 161
It is FANTASTIC!! and quite scary if you're not ready to live these
experiences. I said that it is fantastic because sometimes it is hard to
believe that these type of things happen because they don't happen to everybody.
One thing though... Why would you like to control your gift?? If you ever
get to do that, you'd probably turn into one more "Psychic" or roadshow
subject. I don't know, but I think that you just should let it be. Yes,
trying to control it will give you nothing but that... frustration, anger,
and probably greed. Experimenting through trial and error is something
that could put you at great risk. I don't know... It is only my opinion
and it is easy for me to say it because my "gifts" have been spontaneous.
I might've repressed them for a while, but now that I have accepted them
and embraced them they're returning, but I'm trying to advance as I feel
that I'm ready and I never try to force anything and never ask for anything
that doesn't want to present "itself." I think that whoever wrote on another
thread "be careful what you wish -or meditate, I might add- for because
you just might get it." Keep meditating, and I'm sure that "things" will
come to you when you're ready and when you know what to do with "them."
As I said, it is only my opinion, but you might like to consider....
In Peace In Light In Love
Posted as a reply to: Msg 139 by marietta_x
I think
by: marietta_x (28/F) 1/14/00 10:24 pm
Msg: 141 of 161
you have misunderstood me. I have no intentions of using any gift I
may or may not have in such a way as a roadshow, or benefit from it in
such a way that it turns into greed. I also don't think that you know me
well enough to state what I'd 'probably' do with my gift. Not everyone
is this world is out for themselves, or out for a buck. I'm not sure how
I left you with that impression, it was surely not my intention. Have you
ever lived the same moment over again so many times, but all in one - and
each time you learn a little more and yet still have no control? To have
your mind racing, Knowing you have done this, Knowing what is about to
happen and feel like a puppet on a string because you can't control your
own body's actions? It's terrible. I don't always fight for control, in
fact usualy I just let it happen. Sometimes it's incredible, and other
times it's not. The experiements with OBE is separate from the premonitions,
and the deja vu's. It is a matter of interest only. I believe it was Beamer
who wrote 'be careful what you wish for..' and I agree whole heartedly
with him, and you, on that point and thank you for your well recieved advice.
In Peace..
Posted as a reply to: Msg 140 by newhboy
marietta ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/15/00 8:00 am
Msg: 142 of 161
I have had moments of deja vue, but nothing like what you are talking
about. I'm needing to wake up some before answering much further, but I
can't really imagine how frustrating it is to be reliving those moments
must be. It is so weird that you wouldn't be able to even change a little
what is going to happen ...time is such a trip. Both you and Newhboy have
gifts which I can only imagine. Have either of you ever heard of Art Bell?
His web site is at http://www.artbell.com. His subject range is immense,
but he may have guests on from time to time that cover some of what you
both have discussed, at least the OBE's. Thank you both for sharing. I
have long passed along the message of being careful of what you ask for,
because you just may receive it. I discovered this rather early in my journey.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 141 by marietta_x
by: newhboy 1/17/00 12:41 pm
Msg: 143 of 161
Hi, Sorry, it wasn't my intention to judge or especulate about what
you might or might not do with your gifts and you're right, I misundestood
your message. However, I'd like you to know that my words were out of concern
for your well being, but it seems like they came out wrong and I apologize
for that. What I was concerned about is that, sometimes, experimenting
with OBE can be risky from the perspective that makes you vulnerable to
dark forces. Evil is out there and is looking for every chance it can get
to you -just ask B_eamer. I've seen people whom have lost themselves in
the struggle for power or control of these gifts and it is unbelievable
the damage done not only to their bodies, but also to their spirits. It
is true that some people is able to "do" OBE on demand. I've seen some
of them and it is not exactly the type of "spirituality" I'd like to practice.
I understand it is terrible experiencing all these gifts without knowing
where or whom they come from -I've gone throught that myself- I don't know
you, but in my case, looking for control, explanations or causes only made
them more evasive. From my personal experience I'd like to share this with
you: Trust God -whatever your concept about Him is- and trust yourself.
Embrace your gifts for what they are and try to meditate regularly. Probably,
you will never find a logical explanation of what is happening to you,
but once you accept and embrace your gifts, they will come to you when
you're ready for them. In my case, I've found-out that wanting, wishing,
or hoping has only brought me hurt, anger, frustrations and confusion.
I insist... Trust the Lord, He IS in control. How you've got is only a
glimpse of what is possible to "do." I know there are books, and tapes,
and videos and -lately- websites about "how to" achieve "control" or further
develop these gifts. Some of them are step-by-step guides and so on. I'm
sorry I can't be specific, but since I haven't tried that myself, I couldn't
give you names or dates. Probably you'd like to look that way and I'm sure
you'll find someone that can give you more information. Please believe
me, there is no judgment or especulation in my words. I'm a person that
has long let go of those feelings of control and the joy, peace and love
that has brought into my life makes me wish that EVERYBODY could experience
these feelings. God bless you and may light come into your path.
In Peace In Light In Love
Posted as a reply to: Msg 141 by marietta_x
Guys ..
by: marietta_x (28/F) 1/17/00 6:48 pm
Msg: 144 of 161
I truly do thank you for your concern, it means a great deal to me.
Newh, It's my turn to apologize to you. I did take your post in the wrong
way, and I think I was a little too harsh in my response to you, for that
I am very sorry. You are absolutely correct re the vunrability that OBE
might inflict, I don't doubt you, or Beamer in that regard. Since my spirit
is feeling a little weak these days I will accept your advice and leave
it alone - for now. I think too that I will take a breather from the boards
for a short while. I'll keep looking in but as for posting, my head is
too cluttered with life's little speed bumps right now. I realized after
lashing out at you in my last post that I need a break, it's been a particulary
difficult week with no end in sight. These boards are a constant joy to
me, and my decision to back off is unrelated. Dear Beamer, the site you
recomended holds a wealth of information, I find it very interesting so
far, thank you. Lastly, I have a very strong faith in God, my trust in
Him is enormous and all encompassing. I understand that He is in control,
but I too need to take responsibility for my life. I can't imagine that
He does not want me to learn, to expand my knowledge of these precious
moments, these gifts.
Love and Peace to you both,
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