Welcome back, Doc ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/19/99 6:32 am
Msg: 79 of 161
You've been missed. Have a merry christmas.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 76 by doc_kramer
by: hereonapass (58/F/Emmitsburg, MD) 12/19/99 10:55 am
Msg: 80 of 161
>up to our higher power and what ever the "great plan" may be for our
particular existence<
Don't forget that the little "we" has some say in which direction to
go. We may appeal to our higher Self or not for guidance, it is always
available to us for the asking, but the self we think of as "us" is the
one with the choices. That gets some of us into trouble, leaves some of
us near the center until we're comfortable venturing onward, and urges
some of us on to the "great adventure" of self discovery. Personally, I
think all the directions are going to be pursued by all of us in some dimension
or timeline, and our ultimate destiny is to be aware of all these grand
adventures and be able to go on from there to even grander pursuits (but
that is getting way ahead of things as we see them now). If we remember
that our existence is rooted in Love and we are all Most Beloved, we will
be able to enjoy our adventures instead of fearing them as much.
Keep trying to remember.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 78 by B_eamer
For it begins ... (Edited by Beamer)
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/19/99 9:43 pm
Msg: 81 of 161
I have thought long and hard. Have seeked advice from many channels.
The bravery displayed before this post has certanly helped. I am still
reluctant, but it is defintely not the first time in my journey that I
have approached a matter such as this reluctanly. It is time ...
The first true spiritual matter I had which scared the he** out of me
happened very near where I am living now. I have been given the gift of
audioclairivoyance, speaking to those outside of the visual realm. Talking
to spirits. Communicating with those that have moved on. I have had this
gift all my life. I didn't ask for it and at times would have gladly given
it up, but it is mine for ever.
I was sitting at home in front of the TV, minding my own business. I
was about 30 years old. Had been seeking my path off and on. Had had some
unique spiritual happenings in just the last few months. So, at the time
I had a lot of questions.
I "recieved" the message to find some place dark and quiet. As sometimes
happens, I put it off. Tried to shut it out. But the message was insistent.
Would not be put off or go away. So I finnally threw up my hands and said
Going out side at the time was dark, but not quiet. Dogs were barking.
Most of the rooms in the small apartment were being utilized, lights on.
So I ventured forth into the bathroom.
The bathroom was small. Sitting on the throne with the lid down, thank
you, one was able to reach the doorknob and the light switch, which as
it turned out was a very good thing. I entered, closed the door and took
a deep breath, not knowing what to expect when I reached over and turned
off the light.
I turned off the light at the same time I closed my eyes. I knew the
room was to be pitch black, for there were no windoows and the door sealed
very good.
I opened my eyes. In front of me, instead of total darkness, I saw pinpoints
of light. It was if I was in the sky at night. They seemed to stretch out
forever. Hundreds of little "Stars". I looked up, still sitting. Now the
number seemed to reach into the thousands. "stars" were every where. I
looked behind me. There should have been solid wall, but the lights went
out in all directions. I was amazed. I was mystified, but not scared. More
in awe. Until I looked down.
Below me strectched the same image. No floor. No feet that I could see.
I wasn't even aware I had a body any more. All I knew for sure was that
my bathroom wasn't in Kansas any more. I quickly reached for the light
switch, hoping against hope it was still on the "wall", even though I was
reaching out to the "stars".
Boom. Light. Glorious 60 watts of illumination. The wall in front of
me, the toilet below me. The floor. I got up and out of there, pronto.
My wife, still watching TV, asked if I had seen a ghost. To this day, after
tons of questions I still don't know where I went or what happened, exactly.
What was to follow though was every bit as remakable as what occured in
the bathroom that night. But that, dear journey seekers, shall have to
come later, perhaps.
I am not sure if this fits the requirement of what has been "asked"
of me. For I have been "told" that it is time for me to share. Again, I
appraoch this reluctantly. I am cautious. This is a secret which very few
know of, up till now. I shall wait and see. Small baby steps. I now feel
a great weight lifted from my shoulders. Perhaps, sharing my "burden" is
the next step for me. I am hoping for the best here. Knowing that the compassion
and understanding is around me. Hoping ...
May you all have a great Christmas and a unforgettable, but safe, new
Thank you..
by: marietta_x (28/F) 12/19/99 10:34 pm
Msg: 84 of 161
B_eamer, that is a wonderful, amazing and incredible sharing! I don't
really know what to say other than thank you for sharing it. While reading
the posts I felt my smile grow, I was warmed and touched by you're honesty.
It felt very affirming for me, and familiar too although I'm not able to
explain why. A strong sense of 'home' came over me while reading your description
of the darkness and the "stars". As a child I had "stars" surround me every
night as I went to sleep, no one could see them but me and so I was told
it was my imagination. It wasn't.
I look forwarding to hearing more from you.
May there always be peace, and Light for all.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 82 by B_eamer
Your Weight Lifted
by: hereonapass (58/F/Emmitsburg, MD) 12/19/99 11:03 pm
Msg: 85 of 161
I'm so glad you feel lighter. I too felf a big smile on my face as
I read your "installments". I don't know why though as I have had no paranormal
experiences of my own, my exploration has been more intellectual. I was
told in a "reading" that my path is a gentle one so I don't expect to have
earth shaking experiences. Your adventure is very exciting. This place
is warm and comforting as any security blanket I can think of. No matter
how we choose to arrive at a common ground, if we believe in more than
meets the eye, we can share here in fellowship of the spirit.
I salute you in your bravery of disclosure. May you continue in lightness
and love. I hope you come to feel that your "burden" is a burden no longer
in the sharing.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 83 by B_eamer
Starentity... :)
by: avatarmundi (44/M/MI) 12/20/99 1:12 am
Msg: 86 of 161
Merry Christmas Star! Sorry to take so long to get back to you...
<<Do you see how there is no end and no beginning? Do you feel
it?>> I have moments that are becoming more frequent when the whole
world seems transparent and dreamlike...and
sometimes I am struck by what seems to be a
silence that over-rides my everyday chatter thoughts...I become more
focused and yet detached. Everything seems suspended, hushed...
it's a strange and yet wonderful feeling of
'Home'. The 'Silence' seems to speak to me, not
in language as I understand it. I'm not sure
how to talk further about this...
I sense/know that time/space is an illusion.
Of course there's no way for me to prove anything, nor am I interested
in attempting to do so. Timespace will continue to have a hold
on us as long as we think or believe or fear
that maybe...just maybe it's real.
The choice is either Gods Infinite Truth is real or this perceived world
of limitation and apparent death is real...
This is something every individual will have to confront for his or
her self.
Merry Christmas!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 71 by starentity
Thanks for sharing
by: avatarmundi (44/M/MI) 12/20/99 1:24 am
Msg: 87 of 161
Clairaudience? I hope it's a good experience for you. I'm glad you
have some weight lifted
from your shoulders...share more maybe?
Merry Christmas!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 83 by B_eamer
Relieved too ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/20/99 4:41 am
Msg: 88 of 161
your response gave me some goosebumps. I am so glad that you were able
to get a smile from the postings. You and Herron both. That is such a great
response. Not at all what I expected. I can tell you, answering Mother
nature was never quite the same for me in that apartment after that. Made
sure the light stayed on as well.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 84 by marietta_x
A Proposal
by: hereonapass (58/F/Emmitsburg, MD) 12/20/99 11:11 am
Msg: 89 of 161
Isn't it nice when our worst fears are not realized? I can tell you
that through having so many positive experiences from the Universe that
I have come to the conclusion that someone/something is trying to tell
me that it's OK, things are really good if we will just let them be that.
We can have good experiences rather than unpleasant ones and really there
is nothing good or bad but thinking makes it so.
I propose that your infinite points of light experience could have been
to illustrate to you the vastness of "reality" and if you found the experience
unsettling it was not intended to be that. Sometimes our Higher Self forgets
how easily frightened we become while in the human condition. Demonstrations
that are meant to reassure us become exercises in terror but that is only
our misreading of the experience.
I am very interested in hearing more installments of your very fine
adventures. I hope you are encouraged enough to continue. I have had one
experience in particular with a crystal entity and I was also told in the
reading previously mentioned that I "listen very well" but I do not consider
these items to be paranormal although they aid considerably in my understanding
of the larger picture.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 88 by B_eamer
I agree
by: marietta_x (28/F) 12/21/99 8:28 pm
Msg: 90 of 161
..with your proposal hereon. Very well put.
Well everyone, tis the season after all and I just don't have enough
time for a proper response tonight. B_eamer I would love to hear more about
the "stars" and your experience... I'm still smiling.
Joy and Peace
Posted as a reply to: Msg 89 by hereonapass
Merry days Avatar!
by: starentity (30/F) 12/21/99 9:05 pm
Msg: 91 of 161
Merry moments! Thank you for your wishes. I never watch the time and
you never need to apologize my friend :)
The lucidity of life. Isn't it a beautiful place to be. I feel what
you are saying and I can relate to it. The focused yet detached description
is exactly what is happening more and more for me. A clarity of spirit.
A peace from within. Where time and space do not matter anymore... The
silence is giving you the answers. You have a true insight...
This world is filled with illusions and one can see only if one wants
to. It would be an illusion to think you could prove or disprove it anyway
:) I would rather continue the way I have been going and enjoy the human
May you have a beautiful holiday. Merry days, moments, thoughts and
Posted as a reply to: Msg 86 by avatarmundi
Ok, lets see how this flies ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/22/99 8:45 am
Msg: 92 of 161
Back a few post I mentioned about being accompanied for 44 years. I
have a spiritual guide whose name is Ishtar. He apparently has been with
me since day one, protecting and teaching me. Answering all my insipid
questions. I love him and would be at a great loss if he and I were to
ever part. I consider My wife my right arm. Ishtar is my left. Although
I never have been able to get him to admit that he was the one that took
care of my shelving unit, I got a perty good feeling. He has a rather warped
sense of humor. I know there was one bomb of a movie by the same name.
I kept asking if, when I first asked of his name, if I had it correct.
It was about the same time the movie was out that I was venturing forth
on my journey in a controlled manner. Prior to that it was kinda on automatic
I use the gender male with Ishtar only because he is very powerful,
large, and a very good fighter. Yes, a fighter.
I consider myself a soldier of God. I was brought to this world for
basically one pourpose, other than to marry and bring forth three children
into the world. That porpose is to seek, find, detect and encounter Evil
and to basically destroy it. I use every tool possible in my battles, including
utilizing the power of my Higher power, and have had an extremly good success
rate, Thank God. Wouldn't want to even think of the alternative.
The postings that I have made on this board have been of a Gentle side.
But if necessary, I could divulge just how sly, dangerous, mean and slippery
True Evil is. I avoid such discussions in length for many reasions.
1.) This is a subject matter which is not for everyone, as I have discoverd
on this Board. Some entertain the Idea that evil is not real, never has
been and apparently is mearly a creation of ones mind. I wish them the
best in their blessed ignorance. (Probably gonna hear about that one.)
2.) This seems to be a board of a positive nature, of an educational
manner. There is nothing positive about evil. The last thing I want is
to educate on or promote evil.
3.) There are many other things that I would love to talk about. I have
had numerous positive experiences which I would be glad to share, as long
as the enviroment here is supportive, for I am still tenative. Although,
this is a pretty deep plunge.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 1 by B_eamer
I'll join you in your trouble, Beamer
by: doc_kramer (48/F/St. Louis, MO) 12/22/99 7:00 pm
Msg: 93 of 161
<<The postings that I have made on this board have been of a
Gentle side. But if necessary, I could divulge just how sly, dangerous,
mean and slippery True Evil is. I avoid such discussions in length for
many reasons.>>
I believe I understand why you avoid this subject Beamer and I don’t
blame you. However, it may be good protection for others just beginning
their journey to understand that evil is an influence as much as good is
an influence. Most on this board have experienced hard times and have found
their way to their good/loving side and maybe don’t want to be reminded
of those experiences. I don’t either for that matter. But like attracts
like and now being in rapport with good often makes one forget the bad.
So my encouragement to you would be "go for it" Beamer. We all need
an education. This is just one more leap for mankind. And an education
should be complete and not emphasize one side versus another. If you would
also put a note in regarding protection from the evil influences, that
would be good, too.
I would like to make it clear that I do not believe in the “devil” but
evil is another matter.
God be with you Beamer (and Ishtar, too!)
<< I wish them the best in their blessed ignorance. (Probably
gonna hear about that one.)>>
Not ignorance Beamer…innocence.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 92 by B_eamer
Well, seems to be flying ok, so far ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/24/99 2:57 am
Msg: 94 of 161
I shall follow your advice, doc. I had forgotten of those in need of
knowing. I guess if one individual can defeat their advisary with this
knowledge, then it would very well be worth it. Deep breath, exhale, centered,
plunging forward: Ok, a Primer in evil. First off, you need to know thy
self. To one's own self Thy be true is essential when dealing with evil.
For with out this basis of knowledge, you may not be able to tell when
Evil has gotten a foot hold, gained purchase. At times, Evil is extremly
sly. Think of it as an oil slick on water. It is there, basically unseen,
until looked at in the right light. There are times also, when evil hits
you as a Mack truck. Of course, it is much easier to tell when you have
encounterd evil, but one heck of a lot scarier. You may ask, what evil
are you talking about? There exists in the world enities that are not of
God's choosing. Spirits, if you will. Spirits that exist that mean to do
you harm. Either spiritually, financially, socially, physically, or mentally.
Either in an unobtrusive, round about manner Or in a very direct approach.
Along with every thing inbetween. I have not spent a great deal of time
psychoanalyzing their nature and asking why they do what they do, for that
is not in my nature. Any more than a hungry cheeta is going to sit and
have tea with a cute Impala lamb before consuming it for a meal. Detecting
evil is not easy. I spent years training and with the aid of a great spiritual
ally before truly being sucessful at indentifing evil entites. I can now
walk down a street or pass someone in a building or parking lot and know
that they harbor an evil entity. I use Ishtar for confirmation. I then
usually leave it up to him to rid the entity. It is a painless process
for the human. The recipient of my assistance is totally unaware of what
has happened to them. No splashing of holy water. No involved, lengthy
process. The entity is removed, allowing for the soul then to be free and
opening the door for Gods love to wash over them. Of course, what happens
then is up to them and the path they choose. I wish that I could offer
more assistance in helping you develop powers of dectection to know for
sure weather evil exists around or in you. Don't know how to do that. Anymore
than Garth Brooks can sit down in a brief paragraph and teach you how to
sing. Be strong in your faith with God. Ask his/her assistance. Seek fellowship.
Evil hates fellowship of a strong positve spiritual nature. One of the
strongest battles I had lasted for days and the answer to the sulution
of how to beat the entitiy was to demonstrate the fact that I had fellowship
of a church behind me. That was at least was enough to throw it off track
and allow for its capture. One last bit of wisdom when dealing with evil:
Be very very careful of what you ask for. You just may get it.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 92 by B_eamer
by: doc_kramer (48/F/St. Louis, MO) 12/24/99 3:13 am
Msg: 95 of 161
Great job Beamer! For those who do not believe that evil exists they
now have all the protection they need if hit head on by that mack truck.
When lower spirits try to influence a quick prayer asking God for protection
is all that is necessary. You are really an advanced spirit, Beamer. God
loves you a great deal to reveal your guide to you. And you on the other
hand have allowed this to happen...I'm amazed. I'm not that far yet. But
soon I think. Still praying for the Love! doc
Posted as a reply to: Msg 94 by B_eamer
Evil -- Thy name is Ego..
. by: windsong_1950 (49/F/SE Michigan) 12/24/99 9:00 am
Msg: 96 of 161
...Merry Christmas B_eam!!!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 94 by B_eamer
interesting ..
by: marietta_x (28/F) 12/24/99 11:12 am
Msg: 97 of 161
You are a very gifted and blessed individual B_eamer, I'm so thankful
to have had this opportunity to hear your sharings. I think that best piece
of advice you offered against evil was 'to know thy self. To one's own
self Thy be true..' On this Christmas Eve I want to wish everyone a joyous
season, and a new year filled with Strength, Peace and Light. Know that
the warmth shared in this board has stretched across the miles and touched
many hearts. Peace, Marietta
Posted as a reply to: Msg 94 by B_eamer
You guys ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/25/99 8:15 am
Msg: 98 of 161
Are without a doubt the best Christmas Present a Fellow Journier can
ask for. You must remember, Marietta, if it hadn't been for the courage
you displayed I would have never attempted these sharings in the first
place. You are blessed as well. I just pray that what ever evil should
be attracted to you come my way first. One's journey is hard enough with
out having to deal with such hazards.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 97 by marietta_x
One thing that really bugs me ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/25/99 9:00 am
Msg: 99 of 161
Are those individuals that act as though evil has gotten a firm foothold
on them and there is not an entity present for the removal. They just walk
the earth making everyone's life around them miserable. There have been
two individuals that I have met with that I firmly believe my journey was
designed in such a way as to put them in my path. Both of these individuals
wre placed before me for two reasons. To see haow they would treat me and
to see if I could help them see the light. I unfortunatly was unable to
help either. I was their last chance. (Again, I shall hear of this, I fear)
If I wasn't successful, then the only path left for them was the journey
to Eternal Damnation. This wouldn't happen until it was time for them to
meet their maker, but it has already been decided that God has given up
on them. Their souls, once they pass on, will not to see the face of earth
or move amongst our earthly realm. The first instance, the lady in question
didn't physically or mentally abuse me. She just went around proclaming
to one and all that I was the Devil. Luckily, no one believed her. She
refused to hear what I was trying to tell her. I even offerd her a Bible
with passages highlighted and the Pages marked for her understanding. She
returned it to me with some thing along the lines that It was surely a
lie and the book was probably possesed. She didn't even open the book up.
I even went so far as to explain to her about Ishtar. This just further
convinced her that I was a devil. I too, gave up on her. In the last instance,
a male, Claimed to be a christian repeatedly, as did the woman above. His
treatment of fellow humans around him was far from being Christian. I sufferd
mental abuse at his hands as well as having to aplogize for his behavior
to fellow workers. I had to let them know that true Christians do not treat
people as they were treated by him. I personally cared a whole lot less
for this individual than I did the woman. I wish that on the celabration
of Jesus's birth that I would have had a much more pleasant post to post,
but I am starting to follow the lead presented to me by Ishtar. I have
learned (the hard way) at times it is best not to question why I am to
do what I am told to do. One other thing that I want to pass on is that
I am not the only eyes and ears that God has placed on this earth to check
up on individuals. I would have thought that God in his/her great wisdom
could check on these people for him/herself. I guess that she/he does for
a certain percentage of the time, but needs a more personal intimate knowledge
of the person in question for last judgement. I am just guessing at this
last part. I don't know why I get to meet these wonderful human beings,
but I certainlly hope that this last dude is my last assignment of this
sort. These people just were no fun at all.
I wish one and all a Glorious Christmas and Again wish the best for
the New Year.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 94 by B_eamer
by: starentity (30/F) 12/26/99 2:25 pm
Msg: 100 of 161
On Friday afternoon, my husband and I went outside to feel the nature
around us. A beautiful hummingbird was drinking the sage nectar. I watched
him for about 5 minutes- when he flew staright up to me(I was pretty far
from the sage) about two feet away and starred at me. Then he flew closer....
and then closer again. He stood in mid air directly less than an inch from
my face for about 15 seconds staring at me and I could feel a connection.
I suddenly felt safe... I can't explain it, but I felt blessed at that
moment. I was literally speechless. Peace and Light Always! *Star*
Posted as a reply to: Msg 1 by B_eamer
Pretty awsome Star ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 12/30/99 8:16 am
Msg: 103 of 161
I have had a very few little visitations by hummingbirds, but nothing
like that. I think they are a curious lot, sort of like dolphins. Being
an inch from your face with that beak pointing at you, wasn't that a little
Posted as a reply to: Msg 100 by starentity
Your welcome..
by: marietta_x (28/F) 12/30/99 9:48 am
Msg: 104 of 161
Those that ask will find the answers that those who think they already
know may never have. By thinking that we know all there is to know places
limitations on our thoughts, thereby hindering our opportunites for growth.
So by all means, ASK! I have to say, I was pretty cautious when first posting
here too. Other boards are not quite as freindly or accepting of experiences
such as ours. I find myself coming to this board if only to read and feel
a lift, if not to post. Regarding hummingbirds.. I had one visit me every
day this summer at 1:00pm, everyday. It would stop at my window for anywhere
from 30 seconds to a minute then fly away. In the four years I have lived
here, it was the first one I've ever seen. Beautiful.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 102 by B_eamer
by: marietta_x (28/F) 12/30/99 9:52 am
Msg: 105 of 161
.. sounds like you've experienced 'Oneness'. What an amazing feeling
that is.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 101 by omnieye
Oneness ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/2/00 10:42 am
Msg: 106 of 161
My journey has brought me into the world of Retail. I have had numerous
experiences lately of having oneness when gazing at an Infants eyes. They
lock on to me in such a strong manner and I return their gaze. Their little
heads swivel or turn to get better contact with me. Then, its almost for
the next moment or two that is all I can see, is those amazing orbs, reaching
out for connection. All else fades away, sort of. It is awful hard to put
into words the connection I feel with these tiny humans just on the very
start of their next journey.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 1 by B_eamer
Dear lord ...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.) 1/2/00 11:03 am
Msg: 107 of 161
I want to thank you for the bountiful spiritual feast I have had today.
This board you have created is truly an inspiration that I carry with me
throughout the day. The Spirits that you have gathered here are an absolutely
amazing bunch and growing in leaps and bounds. Thank you God all mighty
for all the very special ways and experiences that you have put before
me and thank you so much for all the love and enjoyment I have gotten from
this little corner of the Internet. What a truly blessed way to start out
this New Year. I truly hope that all will feel the special blessings and
Love that I feel from you. In God's name I pray.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 1 by B_eamer
by: sucarha (56/F/Sarasota,FL) 1/2/00 11:11 am
Msg: 108 of 161
A Beam of Light, you are......Amen Peace and Love, Sucarha
Posted as a reply to: Msg 107 by B_eamer
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