by: murphynson (33/F/29 Palms, Ca)
11/9/99 11:29 am
Msg: 102 of 218
I would like to thank all who gave their input on msg. "what
would you do?" What all of you have told me, I already beleive as Truth.
You see, when I went against 'my nature' I swolled my pride and loved instead.
This is something I don't do often...and not for many people. Being enlightened.....Hurts.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 99 by daisyforaday
daisy for every day...Peace.
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/9/99 12:58 pm
Msg: 103 of 218
Shakti Gawain is indeed a good choice. Easy to understand and
not too far 'out there'.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 101 by daisyforaday
Always Welcome
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/9/99 1:08 pm
Msg: 104 of 218
"If you want another ally/friend I'm in!"
Of course ... you can never have too many friends. =)
"The bible has been edited heavily."
It has. The thing is, something like that should not shake one's
faith. The truth is the cornerstone of my faith, not the Bible. So when
something in the Bible is revealed to be mistranslated or incorrect, it
does not shake my faith. There is much truth in the Bible; however, the
Bible is not Truth.
"I have a book titled "The Other Bible" edited by Willis Barnstone.
It contains a suprising amount of information and many
'gospels' that seldom see the light of day. This book is published
by Harper&Row. Also, there is a book out called "The Lost
Books of the Bible and the Forgotten Books of Eden" published
by Collins World. "
I've read (and continue to read) some of the "lost" books of the
Bible. Just like the rest of the Bible, there is much truth in the ones
I've read; however, there seem to be inaccuracies there as well.
"Let's talk." Anytime
" Peace. " ... and also to you
Posted as a reply to: Msg 82 by avatarmundi
How lucky
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/9/99 1:23 pm
Msg: 105 of 218
"My biggest concern about people who use the bible as their sole
reference point to God, is that they are totally ignoring - #1,
the reality of the times, - #2, the fact that it hs been translated
many times BY MEN FOR MEN."
So true
"I met my husband in seminary 17 years ago, and he began to show
me an incredible fascination with the bible. Two things
came into play that I had never even considered before. One was
his fantastic capacity to knowledge (history, geography and
useless trivia being his best areas), and the other was that
he had studied Hebrew. He told me how some retellings changed
simply because there was no exact corresponding word in Latin,
and the same again Latin to English. "
How lucky you are to have discovered and accepted this knowledge.
So many close their hearts to anything outside of their traditional teachings.
How lucky also that you have a wonderful open husband to share your journey
with and learn from. You are blessed.
"This is why so much of the bible is misunderstood. And it is
why it is not, though it might have been once, the Word of God."
To me, it seems the Bible is so misunderstood because people in
general don't want to look beyond what is handed them. They're more interested
in memorizing and accepting someone else's dogma than searching for their
own truth. We have become a lazy, materialistic people. =(
"I have a lot of trouble with the concept of Jesus as the son
of God, inferring on him some special holiness or divinity. He was truly
inspired and inspirational, a messanger from God, but no more holy than
you or me. We all carry a Spark within us. Sad how many people can't seem
to grasp that."
We differ of opinions slightly there, but not much. I do believe
Jesus was Divine, in that Divine is the ultimate Enlightenment. I don't
believe Jesus was the only Divine One to walk among us, and I believe we
can all be Divine.
"You know, when I think of someone all cought up in the man made
doctrines of most of today's christian churches I feel a strong need to
rescue them. Won't that make them mad.;-) "
<giggle> If you want your walk through the zoo to be a tranquil
and peaceful journey, don't rattle the cages. -- me
Posted as a reply to: Msg 85 by daisyforaday
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/9/99 1:26 pm
Msg: 106 of 218
"did I miss that?
congratulations!!!!! "
I didn't post about it, but it's in my profile I think.
Thank you!! So far, it's been fabulous!!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 87 by daisyforaday
:::making room:::
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/9/99 1:27 pm
Msg: 107 of 218
"Just the lack of hostility coupled with a fervent desire to
Peace, Sucarha"
Absolutely. The more the merrier.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 89 by sucarha
Being centered
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/9/99 1:45 pm
Msg: 108 of 218
I so agree with you on being centered. It is a daily/hourly/minutely
goal in my life.
On a side (but related) topic ...
Lately, probably due to my recent marriage, I'm shifting some
things around in order to maintain some sort of balance in the big change.
In this constant attempt to achieve balance, I seem to have lost passion.
I don't mean sexual passion, as I am fairly easily aroused and rewarded
sexually. I'm refering to depth of emotion others feel versus what seems
to be my "monochromatic" love.
Although I love all (as we are all connected and one), I do have
special love for my new husband. Our relationship is so easy, comfortable,
unconditional and peaceful. There is no anger, jealousy, control issue
or bitterness. We've never had an arguement.
I accept this as a blessing and a gift, especially sine we are
on such different paths (he's Baptist). I do not want to change this relationship;
however, when I look at it from outside my own eyes/body it does seem rather
cold compared to other relationships. It doesn't feel cold and boring,
but it still enters my thoughts from time to time.
In achieving (or trying to) neutrality and balance, I've lost
passion. This seems logical, since passion is an extreme emotion. Do we
all make this trade, or has someone been able to keep a little of both?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 93 by B_eamer
Backing up references
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/9/99 1:53 pm
Msg: 109 of 218
"What if your beliefs cannot be referenced? What if you have
spent 43 years on this planet and what you belive is something that has
been absorbed, ascertained and learned from many different spiritual, physical
and mental encounters? True, some of what I have spewed forth may be referenced.
Most of my spiritual knowledge has not been learned from reading or from
the printed word. Just a thought. "
Then claim them as your beliefs, not as fact. My experiences have
taught me that many Truths cannot be referenced or backed up. The majority
of my beliefs cannot be referenced. Usually, when discussing my beliefs,
I say things like "my experience", "my journey", "my lessons", "my opinion",
I thought I was responding earlier to a poster who was stating
their beliefs as the one true belief. Sometimes it is difficult to tell
a poster's attitude ot tone on these boards. So many communication tools
are lost in this cyber world.
If I offended or seemed snappy, I apologize. =)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 95 by B_eamer
just couldn't resist..
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 3:02 pm
Msg: 110 of 218
hi renee! hi avatar!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 104 by renee_melder
don't you feel so warm and cuddly?
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 3:06 pm
Msg: 111 of 218
too bad Louisiana is so fah fah away
ever seen snow?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 105 by renee_melder
looks like........
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 3:08 pm
Msg: 112 of 218
looks like you're in!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 89 by sucarha
hey renee............
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 3:14 pm
Msg: 113 of 218
the name I give to the second rule is "Candles", and like the
single flame of the candle you have only one soul you need to please, and
that soul is you. (want me to say it again?) You baby, got it?
And if you are happy, you are happy. Sounds like it ain't broke,
but you're still trying to fix it.
And if anyone sees you or your relationship as odd, or unusual,
give em a grin and join the club. I seem to be getting a reputation for
oddity, lead by my siblings, I think.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 108 by renee_melder
hey! whoever's out there!
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 3:49 pm
Msg: 114 of 218
if you come to this board and you see only a few names, don't
go away, join in!
We're a nice bunch, wanna play?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 113 by daisyforaday
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/9/99 7:42 pm
Msg: 115 of 218
"In achieving (or trying to) neutrality and balance, I've lost
passion. This seems logical, since passion is an extreme emotion. Do we
all make this trade, or has someone been able to keep a little of both?"
Yup! I keep a lot of both. Consider a bicyclist and the need for balance...the
more balance the greater agility and speed. Lack of balance.....Ouchee!
Be like a dancer who pauses(balanced), and then takes a step
(unbalanced) forward and pauses. This rythm includes imbalance,
and yet contributes to the gracefulness of a dancer.
Cultivate complete confidence in your ability to return to your
center at any moment. Dare to take a wild leap, and return to center gracefully,
serenely. May you have great success in your dance of passion, Peace...
Posted as a reply to: Msg 108 by renee_melder
by: zenlightened_one (30/M/Vancouver, Canada)
11/9/99 7:54 pm
Msg: 116 of 218
I was perusing the past messages, in case I missed something,
when I decided to take a look at some of the profiles of my favourite posters.
I noticed that in yours, you used, quite appropriately I might add, a quote
from Richard Bach's 'Illusions'. It's funny, you know, whenever I need
to make a posting of considerable substance, I always wonder to myself,
what would Richard, or Don Shimoda, say about this? Then, I TRY to 'meld'
with their philosophies on life. 'Illusions' was the very first
book, by Richard, that I ever read. The rest is history...I was
Since you are recently married, and if you haven't read it yet(?),
I would really recommend Bach's "Bridge Across Forever" and the 'sequel',
"One". I'm sure that these books, would enrich your life, marriage, and
relation to the thought process of the human mind.
Bach introduced me to the world of spiritual pursuit, and I just
thought I should recommend those books, for you, and for anyone else, who
pursues answers to the mysteries of your own lives, and not just simply,
- " Part of us is always the observer, and no matter what, it
observes. It watches us. It does not care if we are happy or unhappy, if
we are sick or well, if we live or die. Its only job is to sit there on
our shoulder and pass judgement on whether we are worthwhile human beings"
-Richard Bach, from "the Bridge Across Forever".
P.S., congratulations on your marriage- I wish you two nothing
but the best, in your journey together. :)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 106 by renee_melder
Oh, by the way...
by: zenlightened_one (30/M/Vancouver, Canada)
11/9/99 7:59 pm
Msg: 117 of 218
...if you're interested, at all, Richard and Leslie Parrish-Bach
have a wonderful website, at, you guessed it: .
It's a little difficult to navigate, but when you reach a page that
has random numbers changing, in a little box on top of the page, just 'click'
on the numbers, and it will open the main page, with the forums, etc.
Talk to you soon.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 116 by zenlightened_one
good evening renee..
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 10:07 pm
Msg: 118 of 218
you still on?
anyway, I wanted to refer you over to "meditations", "what would
Jesus do" and look at #30 & #31. It wasn't me, but I know who it was!
You don;t ever wanna argue bible with #30, let me tell you.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 109 by renee_melder
I didn't say 43 did I....
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/9/99 11:24 pm
Msg: 119 of 218
I meant 5. See in my header. 5. I am just very well spoken for
a five year old.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 98 by daisyforaday
nope you're right........
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 11:30 pm
Msg: 120 of 218
it says 5 now......
Posted as a reply to: Msg 119 by B_eamer
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/9/99 11:33 pm
Msg: 121 of 218
I think at least it is a double edge sword. The journey is a
long one and when that certain thought or tiny bit of knowledge finally
hits home, it's like "Well of course. That makes sense." Then with the
knowledge, you have to be careful who you relate the knowledge too, so
as to not sound and look like a complete buffoon. (Not that I have that
problem.) I don't know that it has ever hurt me before...something to look
forward to, perhaps.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 102 by murphynson
It's the 1800's Humanist scholars mocked the Bible
as impossibly irrelevant, citing as an example the prophecies in
Revelation and Daniel that spoke of Israel as a nation being
attacked before Jesus returns to earth. Everyone knew that Israel had been
destroyed by the Romans in 70 AD and did not exist anymore. Israel
exists now. What other nation has been re-established after 1900 years?
And this was foretold centuries ago. Something to think about...
Anyway, the reason I do this is I think it is important. I don't
mean to offend or put anyone down. I am sorry if my zeal sometimes causes
me to sound abrasive.
I believe we live forever. Jesus came to die for us so that we
could live forever in heaven. I believe that where we spend eternity is
an important matter. At least allow that I could possibly have good motives?
I am not "peddling" anything here.
I spent the first 25 years of my life avoiding God, and now that
I've met him, how can I not try to share this good news with others?
Jesjka - I do believe your story of calling out to Jesus and
him saving you from death. My story is very similar, though not as dramatic.
After I met Jesus, I became entangled in some serious spiritual
warfare. It seemed like all kinds of off-the-wall spiritual counterfeits
crossed my path. I know where you've been, and there are many spirits that
try to confuse us on our path. "Broad is the gate and wide is the path
that leads to destruction, and many there are that go that way." I only
wanted you to consider that possibility, not disrespect you. I am truly
sorry if that is what you thought.
But again I must emphasize -- if someone does not want to follow
Jesus or believe his promises, that is their perogative.
But I find nowhere in the Bible that he gives us the option of
downgrading him to mere prophet or wise moral teacher. He is God or he
is Nuts! Take him or leave him. That is the point I am trying to make,
and I don't mean to sound contrary, but it seems obvious to me and I apparently
am not converying my point very well. Anyway, I'll take a break for a few
days. You all have made some interesting points, but as you guessed, I
still believe what God has done for me is real.
Peace, love, freedom and happiness!
And as always, I will shamelessly plug my website :-)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 1 by jesjka
Hello, Daisyforaday...
by: hdjs4 (44/M/Indianapolis)
11/10/99 1:12 am
Msg: 123 of 218
Sorry for the delay in writing...I've been off of the board a
few days.
I would love to correspond and I promise I will behave myself.
Believe it or not, I'm about the easiest person in the world to get along
with. I've re-read some of my posts and thought, " sound like
a thumper!"
I have to learn to be more diplomatic -- I just get carried away
sometimes. I'm emotional, I admit it.
I noticed in your profile you enjoy sailing. I like you already...sailing
is my dream life. All I get to do now is rent a Sunfish at Eagle Creek
Reservoir for a few hours at a time during the summer months. But my fantasy
is living on a sailboat in a warm, Southern climate...hey, can't a guy
Please email me at your convenience --
Look forward to hearing from you.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 68 by daisyforaday
Hello avatarmundi...
by: hdjs4 (44/M/Indianapolis)
11/10/99 1:21 am
Msg: 124 of 218
I'm glad you have come to the knowledge of my niceness. I will
grow on you with time...kind of like a fungus.
I am curious about your beef with Christians, so let me have
it -- what have we done that has irritated you so? I'm serious, I'm listening.
I will certainly admit that believers are subject to all the foibles of
humanity, Jesus or no Jesus. Anyway, I would appreciate a thoughtufl list
of like the top 4 or 5 grievances you have. This will give me something
to think about I'm sure.
Load up and fire away. You can post it or email -- I'll do my
best to get back with you in a few days -- I don't get online as often
as I'd like. Happy trails -- Dave
Posted as a reply to: Msg 71 by avatarmundi
nice to meet you hdjs...
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/10/99 10:13 am
Msg: 125 of 218
are you really feaky? =)
I think you are saying that many of the people who call themselves
christians nowadays forget to incorporate the history of Jesus and his
times, and the times since then, in their beliefs. Is that right?
And you are correct, many christians have done good over the years.
About Jesus's teachings, and calling him "God", may I refer you
to msp #30 or #31 in "meditations", "what would Jesus do" and tell you
that I know bubba (who is NOT me) has many years of bible study and history
study under his belt.
I would like to alter one of the things, you said, paraphasingly,
that line <"follow me or perish">. May I suggest that it is the christian
doctrine, written by men for men, that would say someting like that. Jesus
would be better paraphrased as "follow me and live".
And real history is a very good source of Jesus info.
Jeska may have seen herself calling out to Jesus, when actually
she was calling out to God through Jesus, His messenger.
And you are right, no where in the bible does Jesus give us an
opportunity to downgrade him - AND hdjs - and no where in the bible does
Jesus call himself God.
As for the path to destruction -
If you bring forth that which is within you
What you bring forth will save you.
If you do n ot bring forth what is within you,
What you do not bring forth will destroy you.
from the Gospel According to Thomas
More food for thought!
Come back soon!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 122 by hdjs4
oh yeah...........
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/10/99 10:54 am
Msg: 126 of 218
and bubba also has an entry in history that might interest this
discussion of Jesus.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 122 by hdjs4
Still bombastic...
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/10/99 11:40 am
Msg: 127 of 218
"But does ANYONE understand what I am saying about Jesus' claims
for himself? He said he was God! If that is true, we should worship him.
If that is NOT true, then he was a crazed maniac. How could a man be so
deluded that he claimed to be God, and yet still be a great moral teacher
if his whole life was a lie?"
Before making such grand claims again please read your bible
first, and carefully. Nowhere,
I mean nowhere does Jesus claim to be God. That is a claim made
based on assumptions supported by twisting the words of Jesus. This is
one of my 'beefs' with the current edition of what is called 'christianity'.
Thump the bible all you like, just don't try to sell us on the lies and
distortions that have accumulated over the centuries. I, for one, know
the difference.
You are welcome here, but I must ask you to please be positive,
uplifting and supportive of folks rather than attempt to simply convert
them. Walk your walk, don't talk it.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 122 by hdjs4
It is so gratifying
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/10/99 11:51 am
Msg: 128 of 218
To see the postings of like minded people.
Got you on my must-read list. Just wanted to give you a little
positive feed-back.
Love and Peace my sister
in Spirit, Avatar :)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 125 by daisyforaday
Light Beamer...
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/10/99 12:14 pm
Msg: 129 of 218
I know what you mean...most people I know(99%)
have'nt a clue about what it is I'm talking about, so I keep
quiet and wait until someone acts like s/he wants to know more about Truth,
God, etc. I learned a long time ago that trying to convert/convince people
can get very ugly. Got rid of my messiah complex and it was so much easier
to leave people alone if that's what they wanted. Many just think I'm crazy.
Just took a look at your profile and checked out your photo-Ha!
and I thot yu wuz ges 5 yrs old! Wish I had just gone gray rather than
bald! hmmph! :)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 121 by B_eamer
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/10/99 12:30 pm
Msg: 130 of 218
thanks heaps
Posted as a reply to: Msg 128 by avatarmundi
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/10/99 2:23 pm
Msg: 131 of 218
Check out the atheist board/Questions for theists. I'd like your
Peace, Sister Daisy
avatar :)
was your husband playing with the computer?LOL!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 130 by daisyforaday
Oh the picture...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/10/99 3:12 pm
Msg: 132 of 218
Uhm....that's my Dad...yeah and he ...uhm...put up my resume....thats
it. He put up my resume and ...uhmmm...didn't even ask me about the photo...yeah.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 129 by avatarmundi
The evils of snow
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/10/99 3:31 pm
Msg: 133 of 218
"too bad Louisiana is so fah fah away"
weather wise? the low last night was about 55 degrees, the high
today is 85. Sunny skies and low humidity ... a perfect summer
day! =P
"ever seen snow? "
I've heard horrible tales about this evil creature called Snow,
icy cold, causing illness, covering the whole community like a
blanket and suffocating/smothering the greenery. Fortunaley,
I've never seen this wicked creature (except in pictures) and
actually question whether it's real or not. I suspect it's just
like bigfoot ... just a legend.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 111 by daisyforaday
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
11/10/99 3:40 pm
Msg: 134 of 218
" I noticed that in yours, you used, quite appropriately I might
add, a quote from Richard Bach's 'Illusions'."
I read that one in high school and fell in love with it. I use quotes
from it all the time.
" Since you are recently married, and if you haven't read it yet(?),
I would really recommend Bach's "Bridge Across Forever" and the 'sequel',
"One". I'm sure that these books, would enrich your life, marriage, and
relation to the thought process of the human mind."
Believe it or not, I haven't read either one. I always meant to
get another Bach book, but my reading list is rather extensive and I
never did. I definately will now.
"Bach introduced me to the world of spiritual pursuit, and I just
thought I should recommend those books, for you, and for anyone else, who
pursues answers to the mysteries of your own lives, and not just simply,
"P.S., congratulations on your marriage- I wish you two nothing
but the best, in your journey together. :) "
Thank you so much!!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 116 by zenlightened_one
by: renee_melder (31/F/Baton Rouge, LA)
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