all right.......
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/8/99 5:33 pm
Msg: 84 of 218
I do have that tendency avatar, to just spit it out.
that 'gung ho" fit my sentence exactly, but I didn't want anyone
to infer I was calling it anything other than, um, energetic?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 78 by avatarmundi
call to arms eh?
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/8/99 5:48 pm
Msg: 85 of 218
My biggest concern about people who use the bible as their sole
reference point to God, is that they are totally ignoring - #1, the
reality of the times, - #2, the fact that it hs been translated
many times BY MEN FOR MEN.
I met my husband in seminary 17 years ago, and he began to show
me an incredible fascination with the bible. Two things came into play
that I had never even considered before. One was his fantastic capacity
to knowledge (history, geography and useless trivia being his best areas),
and the other was that he had studied Hebrew. He told me how some retellings
changed simply because there was no exact corresponding word in Latin,
and the same again Latin to English.
This is why so much of the bible is misunderstood. And it is why
it is not, though it might have been once, the Word of God.
I have a lot of trouble with the concept of Jesus as the son of
God, inferring on him some special holiness or divinity. He was truly inspired
and inspirational, a messanger from God, but no more holy than you or me.
We all carry a Spark within us. Sad how many people can't seem to grasp
And from this it is very easy to see that you are right, there
have been other enlightened messengers, and there will be more! Just like
you said.
You know, when I think of someone all cought up in the man made doctrines
of most of today's christian churches I feel a strong need to resue them.
Won't that make them mad.;-)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 79 by renee_melder
thank you
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/8/99 5:51 pm
Msg: 86 of 218
my grandmother's name was Daisy. I loved her name and her.
She was the youngest of 3, Fanny, Mabel and Daisy. I used to
wonder about her sister's names, since my mothers word for derrierre was
"fanny". Kids logic.
Do you know the song "Daisy A Day"? If you don't find it, you'll
love it.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 80 by renee_melder
newly married huh?
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/8/99 5:53 pm
Msg: 87 of 218
did I miss that?
Posted as a reply to: Msg 81 by renee_melder
mighty rush of wings!
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/8/99 6:00 pm
Msg: 88 of 218
Thanks Avatar, welcome aboard!
The books you mentioned sound very interesting, I'll look into
them as soon as I finish the stack I'm working on now.
Talk away!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 82 by avatarmundi
Can I join too..
by: sucarha (56/F/Sarasota,FL)
11/8/99 8:38 pm
Msg: 89 of 218
Just the lack of hostility coupled with a fervent desire to learn....
Peace, Sucarha
Posted as a reply to: Msg 88 by daisyforaday
Beg to differ there, advanced soul
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/8/99 8:51 pm
Msg: 90 of 218
I feel personally that there are advanced old souls and not so
advanced old souls. then there are those souls which haven't been around
the block quite as many times or a younger soul. There are those souls
which for one reason or another just can't catch on and eternal damnation
comes to mind. We are each on our seperate journeys. I personally have
been most fortunate in my journies spiritually in this lifetime. I am trully
blessed. My higher power has shown me some incredible, majestic and powerful
aspects of this world around us. I thank God for every waking day. It is
a beautiful present which I get to unwrap every day.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 5 by apprentice73
If I could add...
by: zenlightened_one (30/M/Vancouver, Canada)
11/8/99 9:01 pm
Msg: 91 of 218
...something to that; I visualize that we ARE all on a seperate
path, however, like the spokes on a wheel, we are moving inward,
to a common center. Besides that, it's true what you say, about
advanced souls. I can't remember where I picked this phrase up,
but "It's not the years, it's the mileage". :)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 90 by B_eamer
Sorceress Alexia
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/8/99 9:06 pm
Msg: 92 of 218
You sound very enlightened for a sorceress. But then again I
have had the oppuortunity to meet very many sorceressesses :) Any way,
It is too bad that so many do choose to Judge another. Also hate is such
a strong word. For those that judge and hate, I pity. They are hopefully
a young soul on a very long journey, with very much to learn. My higher
power is forgiving and understanding. Also, I do not think you crazy and
quite glad that you listened to your inner voice.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 18 by Sorceress_Alexia
Yes keeping centered...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/8/99 9:29 pm
Msg: 93 of 218
I personally believe that being centered spiritually, physically
and mentally is a beautiful achievable goal and one which I am
constantly at battle with myself and my world to obtain. I am
forever taking stock to try and realize how centered I be. It has taken
me years to realize that to bend as the willow is a much easier approach
to remaining centered than being sturdy as the oak. Enlightenment, being
centered, following my higher powers plan for me. These are all goals I
try to achieve every waking day. I apologize for all these postings at
once. I just have a lot of catching up to do here. Thank you for your understanding.
I have looked long and hard for a message board such as this and have been
quite busy this year with work. Thanks to a blown muscle in my right calf,
I finally have some free time and lo and behold....
Posted as a reply to: Msg 39 by zenlightened_one
Murphyson...I can relate
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/8/99 9:45 pm
Msg: 94 of 218
Not that the friend I have known in past life's done anything
wrong, just that I have a friend like that. Again, we are all on our separate
Journies. What ever your friend has done, has been done for a reason. Unfortuneatly,
you are a tad bit more enlightened than your friend and you have tried
to show them the error of their ways. Try to be understanding and forgive.
Turn the other cheek. As far as you friends unexpected behavior...They
haven't been dabbling in the spirit world, have they? Evil is very sly
and could be working against the two of you. Just a thought.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 43 by murphynson
Renee, uhm.. but what if...
by: B_eamer (5/M/Calif.)
11/8/99 10:07 pm
Msg: 95 of 218
"back up your statements with references (other than the Bible),
and we'll be glad to hear you out and discuss. " What if
your beliefs cannot be referenced? What if you have spent 43
years on this planet and what you belive is something that has been absorbed,
ascertained and learned from many different spiritual, physical and mental
encounters? True, some of what I have spewed forth may be referenced. Most
of my spiritual knowledge has not been learned from reading or from the
printed word. Just a thought.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 73 by renee_melder
I believe...
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/8/99 11:56 pm
Msg: 96 of 218
that all people of good-will are welcome. If you have a question,
I'm certain you can find someone here who can help. Peace friend.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 89 by sucarha
Interesting point...
by: avatarmundi (44/M/Bay City, MI)
11/9/99 12:12 am
Msg: 97 of 218
"what if your beliefs cannot be referenced?"
Thank-you for your insight. Though not a new
thought/feeling for me, it is a new way to look at it. Looking
forward to more of your posts. Peace.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 95 by B_eamer
hello again..........
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 9:31 am
Msg: 98 of 218
43 huh?
I like that age!
I imagine you already know, and we can tell the person who asked
you this, that the bible can be used as a reference for anything you happen
to feel like at the present moment. Somewhere in there, someone will back
you up.
Dare to believe that when learning comes to you as just a "thought"
it should be seen as a message. Check out what it says, follow
it up, see who it's from. The Spirit guides speak to us a lot,
and we tend to dismiss them. The Light speaks to us in many ways.
Love( and all other indoor sports!)
Posted as a reply to: Msg 95 by B_eamer
be careful.........
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 10:02 am
Msg: 99 of 218
Be careful of the greatest loss, the ugly face of hate.
Learn it, and refuse it, before it is too late.
(from a song called "The Needle")
Posted as a reply to: Msg 92 by B_eamer
I have a friend just like that....
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 10:05 am
Msg: 100 of 218
she is just like that murphy. And the saddest thing is that her
soul is full of music and she won't let it out.
If anyone feels the urge, give a call to D...., show her she can
dare to drop the shell.
Posted as a reply to: Msg 43 by murphynson
so right!
by: daisyforaday (43/F/ME)
11/9/99 10:08 am
Msg: 101 of 218
And if you, or anyone , is looking for a way to do it, check
"Creative Visualization" by S. Gawain. Use the one called "grounding".
Hope your calf is better!
Posted as a reply to: Msg 93 by B_eamer
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